They Finally Laid Me Off

International Megabank, formerly the Megabank Holdings Group, and before that Mega Turnblot Solomon Capital Markets Inc (I created the logos for all), finally got around to laying me off on January 17, 2008.

This was a long time coming--say, seven or eight years. I would have got the axe earlier but I was being paid so little it probably didn't seem worth their while to make the effort. You know--like that 7-dollar-a-month online periodical that you signed up for five years ago and never read.

Throughout my career there my contempt for the place was palpable. Yet I cherished the thought that I was inside a big, big whale that would never drown, because whales never drown (do they?). I should have caught the warning signs last summer when International Megabank's stock dropped from 60 to 50 to 40 in the course of six weeks. This was long before the shady-mortgage crisis had made its way to the front pages. Since then International Megabank's stock has gone to 20, and everyone expects it to be broken up into its component parts--Professor Kingsley Brokerage, Cheapjak Retail Bank, and all the others.


Seeker said…
You left a comment at my blog about Lee.
Idiotically, you said I did not put a picture of Lee's light skinned slave girls in the blog.

yes, I did. See the little white looking girl? You probably thought she was w hite, I did.

Lee owned her -- and sold her, apparently
Seeker said…
Sorry you got laid off.

This is only way I could respond to you, that I know of, regarding my blog about Lee.

Thanks for saying that child is a male. It might be. It might not be. The point is Lee had many slaves that were light skinned and some could pass for white.

And that he had slaves whipped, sold children, and apparently enjoyed watching slaves whipped, because he paid extra to store them in jails till he was at Arlington for the whippings.

If you want to focus on what genitals that person has in the picture, go right ahead. If you can verify that's a male, I will change it.

But whether XY or XX that human, and the other 220 or so humans, were owned, abused, terrorized, by Lee. Some where whipped -- only because he said so. Others were sold -- only because he said so.

There were rapes at Arlington, someone white raped a slave woman to beget that child. IF you want to focus on the gender, and ignore the horrors it's a free country.
sallie parker said…
This is funny, I'm just seeing it now, 9 years later.

Mr Anonymous Seeker was Mark Douglas Curran, a gadfly and troll who for a while was @FilmCriticOne on Twitter...till he got banned. He was long known as a pest around Civil War discussion forums.

His central interest was attacking Robert E. Lee, on two or three Blogger sites. "Leepapers" was his main blog, mainly an attack on the woman who edited the journals of R E Lee.

Mark didn't make sequential blog posts. He would make one very long blog post, and then when he needed to expand upon it, he'd add his other thoughts and republish the thing. I gather he could not navigate the arcana of the Blogger interface.

In Leepapers, he'd always run a picture of an elderly coal-black negro male with a baby of indeterminate sex. Now, from other sources we find that this was an old slave-retainer of the Lees, and his grandson. Mark figured this 18-month-old was just too epicene to be a grandson (had an earring, I think), so it must be a granddaughter. And furthermore, since it looked light-skinned and rather caucasian, Mark decided this 'girl' was the product of ROBERT E. LEE MISCEGENATING WITH HIS SLAVES!

Mark Douglas Curran: Master of the one-post blog. Feel free to write us again, Mark.

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